Graffiti artist

“made in” Marseille

Gamo was born and grew up in Marseille's historic panier district, and has always been drawn to the graffiti that began to cover the city in the early 90s. this culture and period left its mark on him, and he would rub shoulders with it a few years later.

After a trip to Brazil in 2011, he returned to his native neighbourhood and began painting the walls in an area that was changing rapidly but was still very authentic, just like the city at the time.

With the agreement of the residents and after 10 years of painting and exchanging ideas, the panier district was later declared the city's street art district. gentrification has also taken place over the years and the face of this historic district has changed considerably.


Gamo is starting to work more seriously in the studio and wants to develop his art through different mediums.

He's developing new painting techniques and looking for new ways to express himself in the urban art world.